Insulator Project was formed in May 2006. It included Maxim
Ulrich and Anton Milotov. Alexander Kulagin (Altera Forma) and other
musicians are working part time on the project. Their music style was
mainly influenced by Download, Autechre, Scorn, Vromb...
This is the live recording in Electroclub, Moscow in 2007. It sounds
like a real, live album of an experimental project - enormous amount of
emitted energy, unpredictable sound invasions with strong line of
isolation from the outer world. This is music of a turbulent space. It
is best understood on your own in a dark room, through your headphones.
This is the only way to unite with it.
Insulator Project has a dark sound, but at the same time it has a philosophical muse and hypnotical aggression. Insulator Project
is a healthy alternative to lifeless software sound. The musicians are
using analog synths and powerful digital sound, live guitars and drums.
The human is inside the system, created to destroy the human. Destroy
the system before it destroys you.