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serrRgraphiC de.sigN.O.I.S.E.
Суббота, 28.09.2024, 03:25
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Главная » 2009 » Июнь » 1 » Die Form - Noir Magnétique
Die Form - Noir Magnétique
STYLE..... Modern Classical, Industrial, Electro
LABEL.... Out Of Line
REL.DATE... May-29-2009

Die Form - Noir Magnétique (2009)

One of the most prolific and unique musical projects on the      
electronic music scene returns with a long-awaited new           
long-playing album that marks one of the strongest works DIE     
FORM has ever created. Elaborately combining mesmerizing and
disturbing photo art, experimental soundscapes, classical        
influences, heavenly voices and a rather healthy dose of         
relentless club sounds, Philippe Fichot and ╔liane P. weave a    
sonic web on "Noir Magnetique" that is nothing short of          
enthralling. It is seldom that music works in both a club        
context and as a work of art. DIE FORM have achieved just
that... while "Noir Magnetique" is one of the group's most       
accessible and dancefloor compatible releases ever, easily       
matching their most successful club hits, it still sports an     
absolutely unique sound and artistic vision. The album expertly  
continues the path DIE FORM took with last year's smashing       
single "Her(t)z Frequenz" (which is also featured on the album
in a dazzling new mix) with strong beats, enticing melodies,     
cold sounds and a constant tug-o-war between harsh emotional     
coolness and pure, innocent beauty. "Noir Magnetique" is not     
only driving DIE FORM's unique sound to perfection û it is also
an instant classic that shows the French Art Electro project at
their very best. Electronic club sounds as an art form!

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