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«  Сентябрь 2009  »

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serrRgraphiC de.sigN.O.I.S.E.
Воскресенье, 29.09.2024, 02:14
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don hill has been creating dark ambient music under the moniker porteur
de l'image since 1998. while he was exploring new music-software, yet
unexpected options of his musical self-conception opened up and
resulted in millipede. this project has taken on a life of it's own -
much more beat-oriented and complex than pdl'i, yet still dark and
harsh - a soundtrack for contemplation, as hill explains. with the
support of josh pyle (aphorism) and the usage of samples granted by
pyle, jan carleklev (sanctum) and angel draganov (polygon ring),
millipede's first full-length release sees the light of day: all my
best intentions. millipede lays down a caleidoscope of beat-driven
melancholy, marked by an acute sense of memorable tunes which will
persist long after each track fades. a panoramic of digital glitch,
pounding rhythms and bass lines agglutinated by melodic ambience. add
to t ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 430 | Дата: 15.09.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)

Playtime Size Format: 57:13 / 127 mb / mp3 320 kbps
Country: Latvia
Style: Ambient

After his Drink To The Drowned Ones released on Bypass #BP021, macabro returns to Bypass with his new Never Again.

На новом альбоме macabro тщательно прорабатывает саму концепцию звучания, отчего работа становится более детализированной и мощной. Медленные, гипнотизирующие дроны перемешиваются с напряженными мелодиями и ритмами, погружая в обволакивающую атмосферу

01 — Far From Then (3:29)
02 — Amanita (6:08)
03 — The Rest Will Follow (3:22)
04 — Unborn (5:40)
05 — Untitled (11:29)
06 — Three Years (2:56)
07 — Whispers (3:39)
08 — Insomniac (5:02)
09 — One Day We Cried No More (5:52)
10 ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 678 | Дата: 15.09.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)

STYLE...... Hardcore, Industrial 
LABEL..... Invasion Wreck Chords
REL.DATE... 14.09.2009

Ambassador21 - Power Rage (Face Your Future Killers) (2009)

If a21 would have a press-agent, you could read now something    
like "smashed drums", "ultra fast broken beats", "sharp guitar   
riffs", "earfucking duel of vocals", "wall of noise",            
"absolutely dancefloor killers", "and again about guitars -      
hard, speedy, motorbike sounding", "and again about drums -      
punc ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 535 | Дата: 15.09.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)

STYLE...... Modern Classical
LABEL..... Cold Spring
REL.DATE... 12-09-2009

H.E.R.R. - The Winter Of Constantinople (Reissue) (2005)

Steeped in tragedy and legionary heroism, this musical odyssey recreates the penultimate      
1453 siege of the Byzantine capital beside the shimmering waters of the Bosphorus. A          
neo-classical cocktail of atmospheric keyboards, cello and pounding drums frolic alongside    
militaristic anthems about European imperium, hooliganism as modern warfare, vanquished       
heroes, Turkish hordes, architect ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 535 | Дата: 15.09.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)

STYLE...... Industrial, Experimental
LABEL..... Ant-Zen
REL.DATE... 14.09.2009

End - The Dangerous Class (2009)

1   Le Carnaval Des Animaux (9:14)
2   Ange Et Gruikk (9:00)
3   Garage (11:55)
4   Vifoogy (8:53)
5   St-Geniez (8:09)
6   Dorpramepasu (7:31)

Просмотров: 529 | Дата: 15.09.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)

STYLE...... Surf, Experimental
LABEL..... Hymen Records
REL.DATE... 14.09.2009

End - The Dangerous Class (2009)

Five years in the making, the dangerous class is 17 tracks of    
audio madness bound together by themes of sex, drugs, and        
rebellion. a wild mix of live instrumentation, programmed        
electronics, and collaged sample fragments, the dangerous class  
is the soundtrack to a world of wayward youth given to deviance, 
chemical transcendence and violent transgression. the dangerous  
class is stitched together from the d ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 445 | Дата: 15.09.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)