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«  Март 2009  »

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serrRgraphiC de.sigN.O.I.S.E.
Воскресенье, 29.09.2024, 02:07
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Главная » 2009 » Март » 18

REL.DATE: 2009-03-17
STYLE: experimental; dark ambient; drone

Tanja Dovens, born on Sep5, 1975 and living in Berlin, received a classical piano-training at the music-academy in Hamburg plus education in composition and audition. At the age of 13 she already developed her own compositions in classical minimal-music that still plays an important role in her musical activities nowadays. In December 2006 the first computer-compositions involving music-software, VST-plug-ins and VST-instruments were developed. Tanja D. likes to integrate noise-recordings of everyday life (ventilation-systems, tubes, etc.) as well as lyrics and her own voice. After having tested various styles of electronic music (e.g. minimal techno) she soon discovered the experimental electronic s ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 437 | Дата: 18.03.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)

STYLE..... Industrial, Breakcore, Experimental
LABEL.... Thac0 Records
REL.DATE... Mar-15-2009         

Here we present Retribution (THACOAC3), the unholy collaboration between rhythmic noise annihilators Prometheus Burning (Pittsburgh) and mad cyberpunk author Kenji Siratori. Gleaming, illicit wetware forged in an aging blast furnace, affixed to the subcutaneous in an experiment gone horribly awry. A dancefloor killer for the cyborg with discriminating tastes.

This 4-track 12″ is on red vinyl and adorned with a nightmare-inducing cover from Paul McCarroll.

- dave ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 570 | Дата: 18.03.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)