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serrRgraphiC de.sigN.O.I.S.E.
Суббота, 29.06.2024, 17:10
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Главная » 2009 » Апрель » 23 » Mokira - Persona
Mokira - Persona
Mokira - Persona (TYPE047V)

Label: Type Records
Catalog#: TYPE047V
Release date: Apr-21-2009
Style: Ambient / Experimental

It`s hard to believe that five years have passed since the release of `Album`, Andreas Tilliander`s first outing on the Type label. `Album` marked the final stage in Andreas`s development as a `laptop` artist and since then he has collected synthesizer upon synthesizer and enough tape to make the boys in Berlin jealous. Ditching the zeroes and ones, Andreas set about piecing together a follow-up to `Album` and constructing it entirely in the analogue realm; the warming hiss of tape, the decomposing buzz of a monosynth and the nostalgic twitch of the Roland TB303.
There might be a love of all things `Kosmische` once more, but it would be facile to label `Persona` as such. Sure Andreas has heard his fair share of Cluster and Harmonia records, but his sound is just as rooted in psychedelic rock and even Basic Channel-era dub techno as Germanic ambience. Just listen to the thick, pulsating ode to Spacemen 3 `Oscillations and Tremolo` and you quickly realise that you are not merely listening to `another` synthesizer album. Half-heard rhythms and familiar TB303 bass pulses drag us in and out of a hinted-at Basic Channel-axis production on `Valla Torg Kraut` while a fairground jangle drives us through `Ode to the Ode to the Street Hassle`. Something in there is blissful, almost beautiful, but it is hidden below thick layers of tape hiss and crumbling circuit boards.
`Persona` is a mature, confident and engaging experience - the product of a veteran electronic musician producing music that comes naturally to him. As the Ingmar Bergman film of the same name suggests, it might be Andreas Tilliander`s most revealing record to date. A stunning collection of modern electronic music.

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