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Главная » 2009 » Апрель » 13
eclectic; electroacoustic; soundcollage; experimental; post-rock; intuitive improvisation; noise
01 - Калибровка микрофонов 02 - Клейстер 03 - Сжимающее отображение 04 - Сходство самокопирования 05 - Шумомеры 06 - Рисунок тушью 07 - Сплетения 08 - Псевдосфера 09 - Хуго-Уго на балконе
Михаил Лёзин - шумы, музицирование, запись записано в марте-апреле 2009 года в Тольятти
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Immediately after the New Year, we reviewed an excellent compilation from the RusZud
label that brought together a large number of psy-dub and ambient
experiments from Moscow’s environs and beyond. One of the label’s
founding members, Rivak, announced at the time that he’d be stepping down from responsibilities at RusZud and beginning a solo project; the fruits of those labors are now on display as an EP from Divided Harmonics with the title
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Moscow’s AAGSF are an outfit that we have covered on a couple of occasions. Our main interest has been the ways in which AAGSF
associate their drone-like ambient textures with an escape from
specificity. Prior recordings had been tagged with textual snippets
such as: “Matter cannot appear, nor can it disappear. The AAGSF
project has always been that way, too. The sounds of new galaxies, of
new civilizations. AAGSF is the heritage of a global infinity.”
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STYLE..... Dark Ambient
LABEL..... Audiophob
REL.DATE... 11.04.2009
150 years ago, a book called 'the origin of species' was published by charles darwin. a book that changed the way mankind looks at life forever. mandelbrot celebrate this anniversary and the 200th birthday of darwin with a very special presentation: nine new mandelbrot tracks to accompany an exhibition on darwin's work in the 'museum am sch÷lerberg' in osnabrⁿck/germany were created by b. teichner and p. muench. while the
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STYLE..... Dark Ambient, Military, Industrial, Neofolk
LABEL..... SkullLine
REL.DATE... Apr-11-2009