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serrRgraphiC de.sigN.O.I.S.E.
Суббота, 28.09.2024, 03:25
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Главная » 2009 » Июль » 10 » Cold Spring News
Cold Spring News

All Hail The Transcending Ghost | All Hail The Transcending Ghost CD (CSR122CD) £8 / £9 / £10

Shipping: 20th July
The debut album from AHTTG - a joint collaboration between Henrik Nordvargr Björkk (MZ.412, Toroidh, Folkstorm etc) and Tim Bertilsson (Fear Falls Burning, Switchblade). The Swedish duo have created arguably one of the most haunting drone-dark-ambient-industrial works in recent years, invoking the spirits of old Nordvargr, meets the sludge-doom vibe of Tim's hellish guitar. "...truly the most scary music I have recorded" (Nordvargr). An icy chill down your spine... a cold hand on your shoulder... you are never alone in the darkness.



H.E.R.R. | Twelve Caesars CD (CSR117CD) £8 / £9 / £10

Shipping: 20th July
H.E.R.R.'s 4th album was originally inspired by the book "De Vita Caesarum" by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus from 121 AD, during the reign of the emperor Hadrian. It is one of the greatest sources of much of what we know about the first twelve Caesars after the fall of the Republic. "Although we felt small when looking up to such giants, we took up this book and started on this odyssey that was to end in the first tragi-comic Neoclassical operetta about The Twelve Caesars". Let the light of heart rule in this more "song-based" album. Comes with an elegant 16-page booklet!

MP3 | MP3 | H.E.R.R.


Von Thronstahl | Imperium Internum CD (CSR32CD) £9 / £10 / £11

Shipping: 20th July
After huge demand we are repressing this title. The incredible orchestral power of Von Thronstahl has finally been released! "Imperium Internum" is an instant classic of the scene - massive orchestral power and military anthems, akin to the finest moments of In Slaughter Natives, Turbund Sturmwerk and Blood Axis! Recommended as among the finest releases we've handled! Now in a stunning digipak.

MP3 | Von Thronstahl

Von Thronstahl | E Pluribus Unum

CD (CSR37CD) £9 / £10 / £11

Shipping: 20th July
After huge demand we are repressing this title. "E Pluribus Unum" neatly collects all compilation tracks and rare 10" releases together, along with some remixes and unreleased pieces. Another statement confirming the power and majesty of VON THRONSTAHL! Martial industrial epics! Stunning digipak format with booklet.

MP3 | Von Thronstahl

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