Hunts & Wars is
another great release from Christopher Walton. The first twelve
minutes are "Reaching for the Stars We Blind the Sky" which
after about five minutes introduces some strong percussion and
drumming adding a new dimension to previous drone tracks. This
makes for an interesting listen - at some points it felt like
Walton was going to introduce a massive drum solo. The track
eventually filters out into a distorted drone. Hilnaric takes us
outdoors with some birdsong looming into darker ambience.
This track sounds different from previous TenHornedBeast
compositions. "Hunts & Wars" has moved on from previous
recordings and is sounding more atmospheric bordering on some
dark ambient themes. The nineteen minute outro, that is the title
track, leaves me feeling I have listened to an album that feels
more mature than previous work, although I really enjoy listening
to albums like "My Horns Are a Flame to Draw down the Truth" and
"The Sacred Truth".