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serrRgraphiC de.sigN.O.I.S.E.
Воскресенье, 29.09.2024, 03:56
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Главная » 2009 » Июль » 27 » Nachtmahr - Alle Lust Will Ewigkeit
Nachtmahr - Alle Lust Will Ewigkeit
STYLE...... EBM, Industrial
LABEL..... Trisol
REL.DATE... 25.07.2009

Nachtmahr - Alle Lust Will Ewigkeit (2009)

The nightmare of this crisis-ridden world has only just begun as 
the industrial formation of L'┬ME IMMORTELLE mastermind Thomas   
Rainer once more undergoes a revolution in style. With preceding 
albums and the cult single "Katharsis" he transformed himself    
into a widely-acclaimed 'dance dictator' of international        
concert halls and clubs and now he returns with a triumphant and 
unified work of art which will properly inaugurate the "War on   
the Dancefloor". "Alle Lust Will Ewigkeit" conjures up in its    
title the cyclical philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, and thus   
it becomes clear: NACHTMAHR don't bring back the shattered       
memory of past times; NACHTMAHR are much more a state of being - 
dressed in the garments of the warrior, they celebrate the       
rumbling storm of the beats as their eternal flame of desire and 
More than ever, sexuality seeps into in this work. Whilst in the 
booklet the NACHTMAHR girls loll around provocatively, songs     
such as "Sklave" (in English, "Slave") conjure up                
sadomasochistic scenarios. NACHTMAHR's musical 'will to power'   
reaches a higher level: the "Vendetta" will silence the sceptic, 
the "Code:Red" for those who falsely believed themselves to be   
in the final moments of tranquility. NACHTMAHR whet the blade    
with a new battle cry: "Because I can!"                          
Among the pounding EBM beats and the rasping industrial noise,   
NACHTMAHR have dusted themselves down and do the dance of decay  
from Moscow to Berlin all the while inflaming the greedy mob.    
Because "Alle Lust Will Ewigkeit"!

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